A Brief Introduction to Boring Milling Machine

Posted on May 5, 2021

Boring Milling Machine

As technology advances, the boring milling machine can now incorporate with the CNC (computer numerical control) system, in which the boring milling machine is operated and the tools are controlled by the instructions that are presented as codes from the preset program, in order to perform the works or cuts with better precision comparing to the manual operation of the boring milling machine.

A boring milling machine is a device that enlarges the drilled holes by boring and milling the workpieces in order to produce the desired forms of the products. A boring milling machine is the most basic and common type of machine tool in the machining fields since they are capable of conducting a number of applications due to the versatile functions of the contained components.

No matter what kind of product there is, the boring milling machine may be required as long as the product has to be bored with multiple holes so as to complete the design or accommodate other components of it. Therefore, the applications of the boring milling machine can range from small-scale accessories to large-scale, heavy-duty components of machines.

As technology advances, the boring milling machine can now incorporate with the CNC (computer numerical control) system, in which the boring milling machine is operated and the tools are controlled by the instructions that are presented as codes from the preset program, in order to perform the works or cuts with better precision comparing to the manual operation of the boring milling machine.

How does a boring milling machine form?

A boring milling machine contains a headstock, a column, a column base, an end support column, a table and a saddle, and a bed or a runway.

The Headstock

The headstock is the head of the entire device, which facilitates the moving of the tools by the spindles that are contained within. The headstock plays an especially vital role in controlling the speed of the spindles as well as the tools according to the instruction of the CNC system.

There may be one or two spindles that are equipped with the headstock. The two spindles differ in size and speed depending on the workpiece they work for. One is heavier and moves slowly for boring or drilling larger and heavier workpieces, and the other is lighter and moves faster for the boring or milling smaller holes of the large volume of products.

Column Base and the Column

The column is used for supporting the headstock and is usually mounted on the left side of the device. There would be counterweights in the hollow interior of the column for balancing the working headstock.

The columns of the boring milling machines are mounted on the base, and some of them are stationary, while others move along with the base depending on the forms of the boring milling machines.

The column base holds the column in place and includes the gears and driving mechanisms, and these gears and mechanisms vary depending on how the boring milling machine is installed.

End Support Column

The end support column is used when there is a longer and heavier, which supports the tool from the other side of the main column that holds the headstock. The end support column may be moved either with the movement of the headstock at the same time, or separate from the headstock according to the adjustment.

Table, Bed & Accessories

The table is applied for holding and fixing the workpieces for the tools to work on, and the saddle, if it is contained, would move axially as well as transversely to the spindle. The bed or the runway supports the whole components, including the table, the saddle, the column and headstock, and the end support column. While the difference between these two components is in the construction of the column and the headstock. If the column and the headstock are traversed as a complete unit, the place where the unit travels is called the runway, or in contrast, it is called the bed.

:: Read More: What Is a Boring and Milling Machine?

What Types of Boring Milling Machines are There?

Horizontal Boring Milling Machines


  1. Floor-type Boring Milling Machines: The floor-type boring milling machines are worked for heavier operation. The column and the headstock in the floor-type boring milling machines are combined as the same unit and move the spindle in the runway as the workpiece stays stationary.
  2. Table-type Boring Milling Machines: The table-type boring milling machines are the most common type among the others. The table and the saddle can move from two axes, and the end support column can work along the bed towards or away from the headstock.
  3. Planer-type Boring Milling Machines: The planer-type boring milling machines are similar to the tale-type ones but slightly different in the movement of the table. The table that the planer-type boring milling machines contain is able to work with reciprocating movement, which makes it suitable for bigger and longer workpieces.
  4. Multiple Head Boring Milling Machines: The multiple head boring milling machines, as the name suggests, include more than one headstock. In addition, there would be a cross-rail that is equipped for multiple headstocks. When they are operated, the headstocks can be swiveled for angular cuts.

Vertical Boring Milling Machines

The vertical boring milling machines work as opposed to the horizontal boring milling machines, in which the tools are stationary, and the workpiece turns, and they are more suitable for the largest workpieces that are required to be worked with the inside and outside diameters. However, the horizontal boring milling machines perform with better versatility than the vertical boring milling machines.

What are the Advantages of Using a Boring Milling Machine?

Available for Larger Workpieces

The boring milling machine is capable of working with not only small accessories but also components of larger works, which is what other devices may not have the ability to do.

High Efficiency

Most of the boring milling machines work with high cutting speed and make several cuts at the same time as in the multiple head boring milling machines, which makes them work with high efficiency, so as to produce a large volume of works if it is necessary.

Compatible with CNC

No matter what kind of cutting machine there is, if it is able to be compatible with the CNC system, the quality of the products that are made from the machine are no doubt at a high level since the CNC system provides the precise and standardized program that is controlled by the computer.

With the program of the CNC system, the machine only needs to follow the instructions then it can produce the products that are custom-designed, which makes the applications of the machining work become even more. 

The boring milling machine is no exception. In addition to the versatility that the various types of boring milling machines own, with the combination of the CNC system, the value of using the boring milling machines would also be elevated.

Prevents Tool Deflection

When the tools of the cutting machine meet the larger or heavier works, it may be possible to make the tools defect, which causes the deformation of the products that are made by the cutting machine. The horizontal boring milling machine can ensure consistency and accuracy and work at high speed at the same time and prevents the tools from deflecting after being used.

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