Here's What People Are Saying About Metal Cutting Band Saw

Posted on Jun 1, 2020

Metal Cutting Band Saw

Metal cutting band saw is a sawing machine in the machine tool industry, used to cut a large number of long work pieces. This type of sawing machine is powered sawing machine with a long and sharp blade consisting of a continuous toothed metal belt stretched between the wheels to cut the target material.

Metal band saws are especially used in metalworking, and band saws are also used in woodworking and various other materials in the cutting industry, making it one of the most sold industrial tools. The advantages of the band saw include the uniform cutting movement due to the uniformly distributed tooth loads, and the ability to cut irregular or curved shaped work pieces like a jig saw.
The minimum cutting radius is determined by the width of the saw band and the curve. The two wheels of most band sawing machines rotate on the same plane, and one of them is powered. In addition, some can distribute three or four loads, so the distribution uniformity of the machine is improved.

Compared with the well-known precision cutting circular sawing machines, the current metal band sawing machine can also cut at a smooth and accurate speed similar to the circular saw. Regarding the blade of the band saw machine, it can have various pitches and size ratios, which makes the band sawing machine highly versatile and capable of cutting various raw materials, such as wood, metal and plastic. Today, almost all band saws are driven by at least electric motors. The line shaft version was once common in the market, but it has now been eliminated.

Blades of metal band saw blades are very important for sawing quality. Re-sharpening and other related issues are considered to be crucial, because if the sharpening of the knife will take too much time and expense, the sawing process will be impractical. Therefore, the decision of sawing type is based on the manufacturing model.

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Besides radius

The idea of a band sawing machine dates back to the 19th century. Around 1809, William Newberry obtained a British patent for the idea, but the band saw is still impractical in any kind of applications. At that time, it was almost impossible to produce accurate and durable cutting blades, and the continuous bending of the fragile blades on the hub will cause the welding of materials or joints to fail. After about 40 years, a woman Anne Paulin Crepin designed a welding technique to overcome this obstacle. The power hacksaws with reciprocating blades were once very common in the metalworking industries because of their practical use to meet customer needs. Later, with the development of technology, band saws and cold saws replaced power hacksaws.

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Band sawing in the current trend

Sawing machines are like lathes and milling machines. Because the industry is constantly evolving, machine design needs to be constantly changing and innovative. Today, most band saws are automatically controlled and operated by CNC systems. Common automatic band saws have preset feed speed, return, descent, part feed and part fixing functions. Under such production conditions, it is impractical to assign one on-site machine operator for each band sawing machine.

In fact, one operator can efficiently feed and unload several automatic band saws. Some automatic band sawing machines rely on digital control to make cutting faster and more precise, and even perform more complex bevel cutting. Combining these advantages and needs, most modern metal band sawing machines are equipped with CNC controllers to adapt to today's processing requirements and standards. On the other hand, NC type and manual type band saw machines are still very popular in some small workshops or homes due to their relative practicality and reasonable price.

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