Why a Right Angle Servo Gearbox Is a Great Choice

Posted on Jan 12, 2021

Right Angle Servo Gearbox

The right angle servo gearbox input flange with the output shaft is uniquely adapted to the engine. The gearbox's lightweight unit with an output shaft and servomotor improves your versatility. From the different output classes in our product line, you can select the right angle servo gearbox that better suits your use.

The benefits of a lightweight servo gearbox and those of a traditional planetary gearbox are combined with a right angle servo gearbox. Right angle servo gearboxes offer intelligent drive systems for a lightweight system concept for their flexible mounting options. The output shaft offers the advantage of a tested and stable part for the proper angle transfer of torque and speed to right angle planetary gearboxes. A right angle servo gearbox is one in which, using rotation to shift power, the driveshaft and the output shaft converge at a 90-degree angle. In various kinds of mechanical designs, such as car transmissions, right angle servo gearboxes are used. But for commercial uses, we are going to concentrate on right angle servo gearboxes. There is a wide variety of right angle servo gearboxes with helical, worm gear, and spiral bevel. But when it comes to selecting and setting up the correct right angle servo gearbox for your unique build, there are several things to remember. This article will take a closer look at right angle servo gearboxes, different types, and why they are great devices overall. 

Why should you use a gearbox at all?

Servo motors often directly drive loads without the need for a gearbox, however having a gearbox between the motor and the load is beneficial in many applications. Torque multiplication is one primary justification for using a gearbox. It helps manufacturers to use simpler, less energy-consuming servo systems. Designers may use smaller parts, saving room and resources, instead of purchasing very large servo drives and motors. With a right angle servo gearbox the output torque increases and the peak speed of the output shaft falls in direct proportion to the gear ratio. A relatively small servo system can provide high torque if an algorithm can tolerate the reduced speed.

Inertia mismatches may also be resolved by gearboxes. The ratio between reflected load inertia and motor inertia should be as low as possible for high-performance servo systems, such as those with high dynamic responses or low overshoot, preferably under ten-to-one. A precision right angle servo gearbox reduces the reflected inertia by the square of the reduction ratio. Using a 25:1 gearbox decreases the reflected inertia of the load by a factor of 625, a substantial enhancement. In certain circumstances, gearboxes simply solve problems related to mechanical fit. For instance, if another mechanical part is interfered with directly by mounting the motor, a right angle servo gearbox can solve the issue. Let's talk about servo gear at the right angle.

:: Read more: What is a speed reducer gearbox?

Right angle servo gearboxes main features

With a wide variety of attachment variants, using a through-hole or a threaded hole, right angle servo gearboxes can be built into the application. They come with lifetime lubrication for higher application flexibility, and their design enables them to be mounted and used in any mounting position. This gives you total flexibility in drive alignment and installation space configuration. The right angle servo gearbox input flange with the output shaft is uniquely adapted to the engine. The gearbox's lightweight unit with an output shaft and servomotor improves your versatility. From the different output classes in our product line, you can select the right angle servo gearbox that better suits your use.

Right angle Servo Gearboxes vs. In-line Gearboxes

You must decide whether an in-line or right angle servo gearbox is suitable for the footprint of the design if you are looking for a gearbox. Next, an incorporated Gearmotor or a more common gearbox-motor pair must be determined. For motion-control applications, in-line gearboxes are widely used because they have better torque output and lower backlash than right angle servo gearboxes. They also cost less than right angle models. In-line gearboxes have an in-line output shaft, centered with the engine shaft, as the name suggests. On the other side, where the servomotor has to fit into a narrow area, a right angle servo gearbox is also used. Here at 90° to the driving motor shaft, the output shaft of the right angle servo gearbox is. Gearing has an intrinsic right angle configuration, such as worm sets, since the drive axis screw of the worm is 90 ° to the worm-gear axis.

Whether to use a different gearbox assembly or an assembly that is integrated into the engine is another factor. Separate assemblies are used for most motion projects integrating gearing. This helps engineers to choose, even though they are from different suppliers, the right motor and gearbox for an application. Typical gearboxes can be mounted via flanges and standard screws on just about any servomotor. It is secured to the motor shaft by a splitcollar mechanism on the input gear. This setup is more flexible than a gear motor that is integrated. Moreover, gearboxes wear quicker than engines, and as this occurs, it is only important to change the gearbox and not the engine, which brings down the cost of repairs.

How to choose the most suitable right angle servo gearbox for you

Using our standard concept elements, you can customize a right angle servo gearbox almost any way you wish. And the custom design will get you where you need to go if that doesn't work. But where to get started? Your concept needs to be spot-on, otherwise, the way you expected, it won't work. When it comes to dimensioning the right angle gearbox, there is no space for mistakes. The four most popular errors designers make will help you escape these tips. Many industrial applications call for the operation of high-speed high-torque systems. Car washes and other facilities with roll-up doors, food processing, and storage, bottling lines, and the manufacture of pulp and paper are typical examples. In these conditions, right angle servo gearboxes can be suitable because they are lightweight, effective, consistent, and robust.

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