Plate Feeder Guide

The plate feeder is a device for feeding material with a constant and uniform speed. Typically it is used at the rear end of a conveyor or elevator that feeds a plant, but can be used to power any other single unit. It reduces pressure and resistance which results in unnecessary belt wear which is typically encountered when feeding on the basket directly to the belt. Not only does it lower maintenance costs by eliminating uneven wear, but also increased efficiency can be achieved by stable feeding.

Plate feeders play an important role in bulk material handling operations, ensuring a controlled flow of solids in different parts of the transshipment plant. There are several types of feeders which use different operating principles to achieve the feeding function; their selection depends on factors such as the scale of the operation, the properties of the bulk material, the nature of the reloading task, and the details of the reloading facility where the feeder is an integral part.

Plate Feeder Applications & Advantages

Plate feeders are suitable for short-distance transport and withstand heavy working loads, including three types: heavy, medium, and light. The maximum size of heavy plate feeder ore can reach over 1000mm. The plate feeder is mainly used for coarse ore feeding, ore buffer tank dewatering after coarse crushing, and coarse dump discharge. The plate feeder can be installed horizontally or tilted, with a maximum upward inclination of twenty degrees.

Plate feeders differ from other feeders in several very important aspects. First of all, the feeding is continuous and it is important to remember that the hopper cannot be emptied by the feeder and, finally, the operation is based more on the solid mass properties and surface friction properties than other feeders. The discontinuous feed results from the reciprocating movement of the plate, with feeding only on the return stroke. The discharge chute from the plate feeder becomes an important element to help mitigate surges inflow to downstream processes or conveyors. Non-uniformity of feeding means that the width of the feeder must be greater than that of an equivalent apron feeder; in the latter case, the width of the feeder depends on the minimum dimension of the bend and the need to obtain the required constant flow rate.

Despite the above features, which may be viewed as disadvantages, plate feeders offer some advantages over other types of feeders, especially for bulk material handling operations. The main advantages are lower cost, less spillage and damage from large lumps, lower maintenance, and operating costs, and short delivery times.

Common Features of Modern Plate Feeders

Directly Load at Anytime

Modern plate feeders allow you to discharge plate material even when the feeder is empty. The ability to load at any time ensures continuity and flexibility of operation for maximum production and efficiency.

High-strength construction

Due to its strength and impact-resistant design, the modern plate loader has the versatility to load a variety of loading methods, from trucks to excavators. Its reliability and solidity have proven many years of trouble-free operation. The solid structure ensures maximum service life, and the principle of operation allows for dropping large lumps directly onto the feeder pan.

Throughput Regulation

Plate feeders usually regulate the feeding speed to optimize plant efficiency. Driven by variable speed drives, they give you full control of your production throughput.

Clean & Tidy

The use of more resilient and durable rolled plate scrapers produces tighter tolerances than commonly used cast or fabricated plate scrapers, thus minimizing the inevitable leakage between the plates.

When should you opt for a Plate Feeder over other types of Feeders?

A crank or an eccentric and connecting rod or a hydraulic cylinder is what creates the reciprocating motion of a plate feeder. Feeder discharge happens during the backstroke of the plate, no fluid is discharged during the forward stroke. Hence, plate Feeders are usually the right alternative for small to medium-sized cyclic feed rates. They are also a smart choice if you're looking for personalized setups for particular applications.

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