Mesh Welding Guide

What is Mesh Welding

Mesh welding is one of the welding techniques for making metal meshes from wires. The metal meshes which is created by this technique is called welded wire mesh, or welded wire fabric, or weldmesh.

The raw material of making metal meshes would be metal wires with enough strength, such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, nickel, chromium, titanium, silver, or gold, etc.

While applying the mesh welding, the metal wires would be put on the platform of the mesh welding machine one by one in horizontal order and be parallel to each other. Then, there would be another layer of wires put across the first layer of the wires by the opposite direction. Thus, the interweaved metal wires would create a metal net. After that, they would be weld together to create a metal net which can be used for various applications.

Types of Mesh Welding

Since mesh welding is a kind of technique to produce metal meshes, it can be divided by many types. Below are three types of most commonly used mesh welding technique:

Resistance Welding
Resistance welding is a technique of joining metals or other thermoplastic materials by pressure and the passing current.

It can also be detailly divided into    resistance spot welding, spot welding, seam welding, projection welding, flash welding, and upset welding.

When joining two materials using resistance welding, the technician needs to allow the current pass through the metal area which is to be joined for a length of time.

This technique is cost effective because it allows the two materials joining together without adding any other elements. Thus, the cost of buying adhesive elements would be saved.

​● Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Welding
This is a welding technique of using tungsten to join metals together. Tungsten inert gas welding is not suggested to be used in thin meshes because if the thickness is not enough, the metal mesh might be broken.

Tungsten inert gas welding is mainly used in machining the parts need excellent anti-leaking capability, such as parts used on filters, because products made with this welding technique would be completely sealed.

Welding products made with tungsten inert gas welding would be prettier than others do. However, the materials used to apply this task would be more expensive. Another disadvantage is that the working speed of tungsten inert gas welding cannot be recognized fast that it would not help to cut down the producing cost or increase productivity.

​● Plasma Welding
Plasma welding can be carried out in the automatic machining progressions which reduces the chance of making mistakes during the machining progressions.

Same as the tungsten inert gas welding technique, plasma welding can also make products with excellent anti-leaking capability and beautiful welding spots.

Besides making metal meshes, this excellent welding technique is also welcomed by the manufacturers of boiler-making using stainless steels, aeronautics using noble metals, chemical engineering, energy production, transformation and transport as well as prefabrication of gas and petrol pipelines.

What is Mesh Welding Machine

Mesh welding machine, as its name shows, is the machine producing metal wire nets with mesh welding technique.

Usually, mesh welding machines are designed as large heavy duty machine tools because they would need big working platforms to put the wires and multiple welding heads to do the welding work.

Below are features of mesh welding machine:
​● Tailor-Made
The mesh welding machine can customize the forms and shapes of the mesh that the users can design the required forms on their own.

​● Cost Reducing
The mesh welding machine is designed automatically so that the staffing requirements can be reduced while the cost-effectiveness would be increased.

No Clippings
Before welding, the metal wires are cut into the required length. Moreover, there would not be any waste materials because mesh it does not need to add other materials as the connecting elements while using welding techniques.

Manageable Maintenance Costs
It would not be too expensive to maintain the mesh welding machines.

​● High Productivity
Welding heads on the mesh welding machines are designed multiple that the welder can weld on different spots at one time and make the metal nets in a high speed.

The short cycle time can also help to increase productivity because it would enable the mesh welding machine to make more products in the same duration.

Above are features that the qualified mech welding machines would have. Others like easy to operate, connect to EDP networking, or upgrade of other components available at any time would be the optional items depending on different manufacturers.

Applying Mesh Welding with a Mesh Welding Machine

While applying the mesh welding progress, the metal wires would be put on the platform of the mesh welding machine one by one and be parallel to each other with the same distance.

Then, another layer of wires would be put across the first layer of the wires by the opposite direction. Thus, the interweaved metal wires would create a metal net.

After that, they would be weld together to create a metal net which can be used for various applications.

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